三维模型展UV软件 RizomUV RS + VS 2022.1.33 Win破解版
RizomUV是一款功能强大的三维模型展示UV工具,全称:Rizom-Lab RizomUV Real Space,包含RizomUV VS和RizomUV RS。它能够给用户提供非常清晰的UV拆分以及摆放功能,用户借助这款软件来创建十分精准的并且无拉伸的UV贴图,工程师以及设计师们还能够使用这款软件来进行非常专业且准确的UV制图以及精确的贴图。
Today, following the path towards an ideal tool set capable of segmenting, flattening and packing UVs without any manual intervention, Rizom-Lab focuses on enhancing our technology, and making it available to 3D artists and product designers within our new standalones applications RizomUV Virtual Spaces and RizomUV Real Space, and in a form that can be integrated into others 3D editing softwares or pipelines within our RizomUV C++ Library.
- 安装RizomUV.2022.1.33.g9ee1a2f.master.2022-08-15.exe
- 解压rizomuvRS.rar或者rizomuvVS.rar,将里面的rizomuv.exe拷贝到安装目录下替换破解即可